Just a quick post today to ask all of my readers to please use common sense and listen to the medical experts as we ride out the coronavirus pandemic.
Wash your hands often, don’t touch other people. If you feel ill, stay home. Don’t go to places where there are a lot of people gathering.
To any millennial’s reading. You are the group that will help this spread stop as soon as possible. I understand that you are young, social on many levels and think you are invincible.
You may have the virus, but feel no symptoms. But, you can still spread the virus to people who WILL have a reaction.
So, again, do the right thing and follow the CDC guidelines and don’t put yourself in places where you add to the spread of the virus.
With information changing daily, I know it’s hard not to feel a little (or a lot) of uncertainty and panic.
The sooner we all follow the guidelines being rolled out, the sooner this will pass.
Be safe! Be smart!
Take care,