As you know, I’ve been an online marketer for over 20 years. I started on the internet almost before the wheel was invented…8-)
I also worked in corporate America for decades as a technology guy, consultant, trainer and coach. Over the past few months I’ve re-connected with a co-worker and good friend, David Anderson, who I worked with for 11 years in the corporate world for the same company.
Ten years ago he started a company called Leadstra, which has evolved into an education, coaching and discovery process to help folks find – then follow -their true passion as a career and make an impact on the world with the unique knowledge and talents they already possess. Both online and offline. And, once you know where you are going, Leadstra can help with any technical aspects (website design, content creation, videos, social media campaigns, blogging, etc) to get you there.
That, in a nutshell, is what Leadstra is about.
So, in addition to continuing my current internet marketing businesses, I am also joining Dave as part of the Leadstra team.
Watch Dave’s informative video above about being unique.
I will be posting quite a few videos, articles, tips and information I hope you find useful, and will make you think a bit about how all of the ideas presented might change your mindset as to where you are at today, and more importantly, discover where you should be. Today’s post is called
“Lead, Follow or Get Out of the Way”
We live in a time where it has never been easier to communicate. The phone in your hand or laptop on your desk can connect you with thousands (or perhaps millions) of others who share your passion and need your expertise. These people are eager to meet you.
At the same time, the habits of consumers have changed dramatically. With an abundance of information available, they self-educate before making decisions. If you are not part of that education process, you are irrelevant. And since technology changes so rapidly, even long-standing relationships can lose value if not actively maintained.
You Must Be An Influencer
The key is to put your expertise, experience, and skill into the arena so you can influence those who are looking for the solutions you offer. Whether your offer is a new business, a product, a service, a cause, or a hobby, the process is the same. Share what you know, build relationships, and build a community around you.
Much More Than Likes and Shares
If your strategy to grow your influence is to ‘post and pray’, you may see some results, but most likely you’ll spend a lot of time with results that are less than ideal. And there is a simple reason:
Social Media is just that – Social.
If your content is not relevant, or not aimed a the right audience, it will not result in activity. If your platform does not have an engagement strategy, your content may be creating value but how will you know?
The Solution is a Solid Strategy
So you have a couple options. You can create a successful strategy, become a leader and an influencer and reap the benefits of your efforts, or you can look around at others and try to copy their work. You might have some success. More likely, you’ll spend a lot of time with little or no results. And there is always the option to just give up or tell yourself that technology is too much of a challenge.
So what is it going to be? Lead… Follow… or Get Out of the Way?
If you choose the first option – to lead, we’d love to help you. We have proven systems that allow you to build and execute your strategy.
Go here:
to become a Leadstra Insider, take our Influencer survey and/or sign up for a webinar – they’re all FREE!
And remember, whether you think you can or can’t, you’re right.
Until next time.

1 Response to "Exciting News! Introduction to Leadstra and “Lead, Follow or Get out of the Way”"
Thanks for the mention Lee. Fun to have you available to work with. Lots of great experience.