It is said that in order to become a successful individual in whatever endeavor you wish to take, you must have the right attitude and characteristics. This is also true of an entrepreneur.

Here are a few characteristics for most successful entrepreneurs:

1. Risk taker
If you’re not willing to take any risks, then you will not succeed as a businessperson. In the everyday course of business, you will encounter a lot of problems, challenges and risks which you will constantly be addressing.

Some risks are worth taking after careful evaluation – especially if it’s for the good of the business. If you’re not a risk taker, it will be very difficult to succeed.

2. Smart in your business decisions
You have to be clever, keen, insightful and confident in all your business dealings. You have to show mental alertness and intelligence so that you can win the respect and trust of customers and other clients.

3. A leader
Leadership is a characteristic that is hard to find among individuals. It takes something special to have the nerve and take the lead. To become a good entrepreneur, you must be a leader. Some say that this is a born characteristic. I disagree. If you want to be successful badly enough, you can become a leader – many times by finding a mentor who can help you.

As a leader, you should be able to guide, influence, and direct people.

4. Inner passion for business 
You have to maintain your enthusiasm and interest in your business. You do this by continually evolving your company to keep pace with the changing market. Learn new techniques from others in your niche and always remember why you started your business in the first place. And it’s not just about making money. You should get great satisfaction in helping others with the products and services you offer.

5. Honest and trustworthy
A great deal of an entrepreneur’s time is dedicated to pooling and attracting customers. Without customers, your business would not exist. You have to be honest and trustworthy in all of your dealings with your clients, no matter what your product or service. Never over-hype what you offer. It does’t take very many unhappy customers to bring your business down. Word travels fast on the internet.

Are you an entrepreneur?

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    2 replies to "Are you really an Entrepreneur?"

    • Shelley Benton

      Ya know Lee, I have been struggling with the question, “Am I an Entrepreneur?” Your post was very helpful and enlightening. I actually can relate to 4 out of the 5 points you made. I’m definitely a risk taker – ask my mom – she had 9 children but blames all her white hair on me!! LOL

    • These questions are really important one at the beginning of any online venture but also for the seasoned marketer. I appreciate that you have put the concept in easy to read format. I try to answer these questions each month to set goals for that month. This has helped me a lot in my journey.

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